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Microsoft Excel – Rounding Numbers to the Specified number of digits

We have discussed rounding the numbers using CEILING and FLOOR functions through my previous Article “Microsoft Excel – CEILING and FLOOR functions“. Excel provides another set of functions; provides a similar kind of functionality to round the numbers. Through this article, we are going to discuss these functions.

ROUND, ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN functions in Excel are used to round the numbers to a specified number of digits.

The ROUND function

This function is used to round the number to the specified digits.

The Syntax of the function is:

=ROUND(num, num-digits)

num is the number you want to round and the num-digits represents a specified number of digits to round the number. Both these arguments are required. If you miss them, Excel will show the below Warning message;

You’ve entered too few arguments for this function.

This function works to round the given number to a specified number of digits. It will round up or down the number depending on the given value. If num-digits value is “0”; it rounds the entire number. Otherwise, it rounds only the fractional part.

The ROUNDUP function

This function always rounds UP the number to the specified number of digits. The Syntax is the same as ROUND function.

=ROUNDUP(num, num-digits)

The ROUNDDOWN function

This function always rounds DOWN the given number to the specified number of digits. The same Syntax it has, like ROUND function.

=ROUNDDOWN(num, num-digits)

🙂 Sahida

Microsoft Excel – Rounding Numbers to the Specified number of digits

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