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Ruby Programming – The Basics of Ruby

Ruby is a pure object-oriented programming language. That means, everything is an object in Ruby. For example, 3 is an object of Number class. If you type 3.methods; it will return all the methods defined in the Number class. Similarly, if you type 3.class; you will see the type of the class this object is […]

Java Beans – An Introduction

Basic JavaBeans are nothing but POJOs. Before discussing about JavaBeans; let’s have a quick look at POJOs. POJO (Plain Old Java Object) is a term used to indicate that it is not a special Java object (not developed using any framework or any other technology); rather it is an ordinary plain simple Java object. The term POJO […]

JSP – Action Elements

We have discussed JSP scripting elements and directive elements in our previous articles. In this article, we are going to discuss JSP Action elements. Action elements in JSP are another type of syntactic element; translated into Java code that performs an operation. The web server processes these action elements when processing a client’s HTTP request. […]

Ruby Programming – Interactive shell

Once we installed Ruby, we will get one powerful command line interactive Ruby-programming environment called irb (Interactive Ruby). irb is a command line interpreter allowed to enter Ruby commands and instantly see the results in the environment itself. This is very useful when learning Ruby. In this article we will discuss about invoking ruby command-line interpreter, […]

Ubuntu 14.x – How to open Terminal window?

The terminal window is helpful to execute Ubuntu commands, scripts, or execute the applications. A terminal window opens the command-line tool to allow the user(s) to enter the commands, to do some operations. Usually, the user(s) use the Terminal window, to perform maintenance operations. In this article, we are going to discuss the steps to […]

Win32 Programming – How to create a simple GUI based application?

By adding Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the applications we can change the whole look and feel of the applications and users will feel more comfortable accessing the GUI-based applications than the text-based or console-based applications. Win32 API provides a vast number of API functions to create and deal with Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications. […]

JSP – Implicit Objects

We know that every JSP page turned into an equivalent Servlet. Every JSP equivalent Servlet must be extended from HttpJspBase class. HttpJspBase class is an abstract class with all implicit objects are defined. Those implicit objects are called JSP implicit objects. Because objects’ names are already defined, we have to use them as it is. In […]

Ruby Programming: An Introduction

Ruby is a popular open source, cross-platform, object-oriented, dynamic, scripting, interpreted programming language. It was invented in the year 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz). Ruby is cross-platform, that means if we develop a Ruby program based on one machine; it’s likely to run the same program without any changes on different machines. In order to develop or run […]

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