Microsoft Word provides the feature to allow the user to insert current dates and times in different formats. This article explains the steps to insert the current date & time in a Word document.
This article applies to:
- Microsoft Office 2010
Step 1. Open Microsoft Word document.
Step 2. Place the cursor where you want to display the current date and time.
Step 3. Click on theĀ Insert menu. Microsoft Word will display insert menu items.

Step (4). Click on the Date & Time menu item which is under the Text group. It will display the Date and Time dialog.

Step 5. Select the date format you want to display under Available formats: list.
Step 6. Check Update automatically check-box. This option is useful if you want to update the date automatically. This means, whenever you open the document the inserted date field will update automatically with the current date.
Step 7. Once you made your changes click on the OK button to insert the current Date & Time.
Step 8. Save your document once you update your changes.
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