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Microsoft .Net

ASP.Net – Simple webpage

ASP.Net is a web framework for building websites. ASP.Net has been designed to be fully integrated with the .Net framework. ASP.Net works with Internet Information Services (IIS) to deliver the content. ASP.Net pages are with .aspx extension. ASP.Net files can contain server-side controls, client-side controls, and validation controls. Other than these, it supports placing HTML objects […]

.Net – Assemblies – Add a method

As of now we have created hello assembly and testapp application. testapp application will call the function SayHello (it just prints “Hello, World!” on the console) resides in hello assembly. We have created strong name for hello assembly and installed it into Global Assembly Cache (GAC). hello assembly is the shared assembly and any application […]

.Net – Assemblies – gacutil

We have created the hello.exe assembly in our previous article and installed it into Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Let’s look at where in GAC this assembly is installed. As we discussed in our previous article(s), GAC is the location where shared assemblies will be placed. Where this GAC is located? For the .Net version prior […]

.Net – Assemblies – How to Reference Assemblies?

We have created one simple private assembly hello.exe in our previous article. In this article, we will look at how to reference Assemblies into our programs and how to call methods in assemblies. Let’s create a simple program testapp.cs. Below is the code: // testapp.cs // using System; namespace CodeSteps { public class TestApp { […]

.Net – Assemblies – An Introduction

Assemblies are the self-describing building blocks of .Net-based applications. Assemblies contain Assembly manifest, which contains metadata information, contains a collection of data that describes the relationship between the elements in the assembly; Type metadata describing the exported types and methods; MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) code that CLR (Common Language Runtime) executes; and a set of resources. All these parts […]

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