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Author : Malin

In my more than 30+ years of experience in the IT industry, I always showed interest in learning new things; and keep practicing what I learned. In my leisure time, I read books, play games & watch movies. I always like to play with my kids. :)

C Programming – Function Pointers in C

Pointers play a major role in C Programming. Writing code with pointers is more error-prone than code without pointers. Understanding pointers is a bit difficult. The simple thing about a pointer is, a pointer is a variable that holds an address like variables holds a value. That means pointers will not store any values rather […]

C Programming – Pointer to Pointer

As we discussed in, Understanding of Pointers in C, pointers are address holders. Pointers point to an address of a variable, or a function or even it can point to another pointer. Through this article, we are going to discuss Pointer to Pointer concepts in C. A pointer to pointer points to an address of […]

C Programming – How to compare strings?

C library has string functions to compare whether the given strings are identical or not. strcmp library function This function takes two arguments, both are strings. Compare the strings and return 0 if the strings are identical; otherwise, this function returns a non-zero value. What is the meaning of non-zero value? When the first string […]

OpenGL – Open Graphics Library – An introduction

OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is an industry standard API used to render 2D and 3D Vector graphics. It is so popular because, it is a portable, cross-language and cross-platform Application Programming Interface written in C language. OpenGL was initially developed by SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc.,) and released to the market in the year 1992. This […]

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