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Visual C++

Visual C++

Passing class member function as a controlling function to AfxBeginThread (VC++)!

In Visual C++, usually we use AfxBeginThread function to create a Thread which will run the piece of code concurrently. AfxBeginThread function can be useful to create both worker thread and an user-interface thread. This article explains the first flavor of AfxBeginThread function which is useful to create worker threads. How to create worker threads? The […]

Finding files in a folder / directory using MFC!

There are a couple of ways to find/search files in a folder/directory. Usually, Win32 programmers use FindFirstFile & FindNextFile functions to find the files in a particular folder. MFC provides a simplified way of finding the files using CFileFind class. The following example shows how to find files in a particular folder. This example is […]

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