When you are downloading something and you kept your system idle for some time; automatically your system will disconnect from the network and you will see interruptions in downloading. This is because, when the system is in an idle state for some time, the system goes to sleep and it will disconnect your system from the network. Usually, the system goes to sleep to save power. Windows allows changing these settings as well. So, we can instruct the computer to not go to sleep even it is in an idle state. This automatically solves the network disconnection problem when the system is in sleep.
This article explains the steps to set up the system to not sleep in an idle state.
This article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System
- Microsoft Windows 8 Operating System
Step 1. Open the “Control Panel” window.

Step 2. Click on the “System and Security” item from the “Control Panel” window. Windows will open the “System and Security” window.

Step 3. Click on the “Power Options” item. Windows will display a list of available power plans in the “Power Options” window.

Step 4. Select Balanced (recommended) power plan and click on its Change plan settings link. Windows will display the “Edit Plan Settings” window.
In Windows 7 Operating System the “Edit Plan Settings” window looks like below.

In Windows 8 Operating System the “Edit Plan Settings” window looks like below.

Step 5. Windows 7: Select the value Never from the 2nd combo box which is under Plugged in for Put the computer to sleep: field.
Windows 8: Select the value Never form Put the computer to sleep: combo box.
Step 6. Click on the Save changes button to apply your changes.
Now your computer will not disconnect from the network when it is in an idle state. That means it never sleeps when it is plugged in.
🙂 Sahida
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