Categories are used to categorize articles added in Joomla. In this article, we will look into how to create categories.
Step 1. Log in to Joomla as an administrator. Joomla will open the “Control Panel” page.

Step 2. Click on the “Category Manager” link which is on the left side of the page. Joomla will display the “Category Manager: Articles” page.

Step 3. Click on the New button to start creating a category. Joomla will display the “Category Manager: Add A New Articles Category” page.

Step 4. Provide the category name in the Title field. Alias field is automatically populated based on the value entered in the Title field.
Step 5. Provide the category description in the Category tab in the Description field.
Step 6. Provide the parent category in the Parent field.
Step 7. Provide tags for the category in the Tags field.
Step 8. You can publish the category from the Status field. Other options are Unpublished, Archived, Trashed.
Step 9. Restrict the access from the Access field. Public means everyone can access.
Step 10. Once you made the necessary changes, click on Save & Close button. This will save the create the category and close the “Category Manager: Add A New Articles Category” page. Joomla will display the “Category Manager: Articles” page; where you can find your newly created category.