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Author : David

PowerShell – Exception handling

PowerShell provides exception handling mechanism to enable to deal with the exceptions raised during the script execution. Known or expected errors, we commonly handle using Error handling mechanism; where mostly we use if statement to meet certain criteria and the change the flow of execution depends on the result of the conditional statement. Exceptional handling […]

PowerShell – How to access Clipboard?

Clipboard is a buffer in computer memory, allows the applications to copy and retrieve the temporary data.  Most of the applications provides the Clipboard feature to share the temporary data across the applications. Most common way we can use the Clipboard is using cut, copy and paste commands.  PowerShell provides cmdlets to use the Clipboard. […]

PowerShell – Type operators

PowerShell Type operators are used to verify the type of the operand. Are you aware, each value we use in PowerShell has particular Type? These are the types similar to the types defined in .Net. Yes, because PowerShell is developed using .Net Framework. These operators are allowed to verify the type of the operand. Through […]

PowerShell – For and ForEach loop

PowerShell for loops are used to navigate within the collection to retrieve its elements and allow it to execute the statements within it continuously when the given condition is met. Through this article, we are going to discuss For and ForEach loops. The for loop in PowerShell PowerShell for loop is used to execute the […]

PowerShell – Understanding the While loops

PowerShell provides loops to execute the sequence of statements repeatedly. These loops executes the block of statements within it, till a given condition is satisfied. Through this article, we go through while loop and do loops; do…while and do…until loops. While loop PowerShell While loop is to execute the statements within it continuously, if the […]

PowerShell – How to use Equality operators?

PowerShell equality operators are used to compare values. These operators compare the values and return either True or False; when the given condition matches. PowerShell provides below equality operators; as these are used for comparison, we can call them Comparison operators. PowerShell Equality operators All these equality operators takes 2 or more operands and compare […]

PowerShell – Bitwise Shift Operators

PowerShell offers bitwise shift operators too. We have discussed about “PowerShell – Bitwise Logical Operators” in our previous article. Through this article, we are going to discuss about bitwise shift operators. Shift left -shl operator PowerShell left shift operator shifts the bits left side. This operator takes two operands and left shifts the bits from […]

PowerShell – Unary operators

Unary operators work on a single operand. PowerShell provides unary operators and through this article, we are going to discuss them. The ++ operator – Post & pre-increment operator The unary operator ‘++’ will increment the value of the operand by 1. It has two forms, post & pre-increment forms. When the unary operator ‘++’ […]

PowerShell – Bitwise Logical Operators

PowerShell provides below list of Bitwise operators and these ONLY works on Integer types. Why only Integer types? Because, these operators works on bits (0s and 1s) and only numeric types can support bitwise operations. Bitwise AND -band operator This operator takes two operands as inputs and apply the bitwise AND operation on each bit […]

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