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C Programming

C Programming – Pointer to Pointer

As we discussed in, Understanding of Pointers in C, pointers are address holders. Pointers point to an address of a variable, or a function or even it can point to another pointer. Through this article, we are going to discuss Pointer to Pointer concepts in C. A pointer to pointer points to an address of […]

C Programming – How to compare strings?

C library has string functions to compare whether the given strings are identical or not. strcmp library function This function takes two arguments, both are strings. Compare the strings and return 0 if the strings are identical; otherwise, this function returns a non-zero value. What is the meaning of non-zero value? When the first string […]

C Programming – An Introduction

‘C’ is a structured, general purpose high level programming language; initially used to develop the UNIX Operating System in the year 1972 by an American Computer Scientist, Dennis M. Ritchie. He was developed ‘C’ language with his colleague Ken Thomson at Bell Labs. ‘C’ is a structured programming language contains set of code blocks (high level […]

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