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PowerShell – How to get Windows Event Log details?

Getting Event log details in Windows Operating System is easy with PowerShell. PowerShell provides useful commands to manage Windows Event logs. In this Article, we will discuss about getting Event log details in Windows Operating System. The Get-EventLog cmdlet This command is useful to get the Event log details. Windows maintains the log details in different […]

PowerShell – Script blocks and Invoke-Command

In our previous articles, we have discussed PowerShell Scripts and PowerShell Functions. PowerShell provides Script blocks also to group the commands and invoke them when required. In this article, we will discuss PowerShell Script blocks. Script block in PowerShell Script blocks are the group of related PowerShell commands and will be executed on demand. Script […]

PowerShell – Scripts and Defining Parameters

So far we have discussed about PowerShell cmdlets; and we have discussed these commands with working examples. The commands were executed at the PowerShell command window. Does it possible to add these commands to a file and execute them from the prompt? Yes, this is where Scripts comes into the picture. PowerShell Scripts Scripts are […]

PowerShell – Automatic Variables – $HOST, $HOME, $PWD and $ERROR

PowerShell provides another set of Automatic variables to allow us to get the information about the home directory, present working directory, host details, and error details. In this article, we will discuss these variables. The $HOST Automatic Variable This variable contains the current host application object for PowerShell. Below displays the details of the host […]

PowerShell – Functions

Functions are code blocks holds the sequence of statements and can be called using their names whenever / wherever required. The list of statements inside the function are grouped with in the curly braces (“{ }”). Defining and using the Functions in PowerShell are easy and will discuss how to do this in this Article. […]

PowerShell – Managing Current Working Directory

Most of the Applications use the Current Working Directory to store the Application related files. PowerShell provides set of cmdlets, useful to manage the current working directory. In PowerShell, we use the noun “Location” for the working directory; so the same used for the cmdlets. The Get-Location cmdlet This command is useful to get the […]

PowerShell – Measure-Object cmdlet

In this Article, we will discuss about Measure-Object cmdlet. The Measure-Object cmdlet Another interesting command PowerShell provides is Measure-Object; which is useful to measure the numeric properties of the object, like files count in the given directory, number of lines in the given file etc,. This command needs always an input. Hence we can not use […]

PowerShell – Group-Object cmdlet – To Group Objects

When we display the list of objects using PowerShell commands, the objects will be displayed in specified format; for example, list format. For more readability, it is very useful to group the objects depending on their properties values. The Group-Object cmdlet PowerShell provides Group-Object cmdlet to group the objects based on their properties values. As this […]

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