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C# – How to use CheckedListBox control?

CheckedListBox control allows selecting multiple options from the ListBox. It is basically a ListBox control; with the additional feature, in which a check box is displayed for each item to allow the user to select the option. ListBox control allows us to select multiple items from the list; but, in CheckedListBox , we call it […]

C# – How to use RadioButton control?

RadioButton controls are used to get the mutually exclusive options from the user. It has similar functionality with CheckBox control. CheckBox control is to get combination of options from the user, whereas this control allowed to select mutually exclusive options. Properties When set AutoCheck property to True, the state of the RadiButton control automatically changed […]

C# – How to use CheckBox control?

CheckBox control is useful user interface element, used to get an option (true / false or yes / no) from the user. You might be noticed these kind of controls, commonly in Browser settings, an Application settings etc., The control has one checkbox displayed along with the text; and the user can select or unselect […]

C# – How to use ComboBox control?

ComboBox control is one of the most useful control in Windows Forms. It provides an interface to display the list of items, and allows to select the items. To save the space on Windows Form, it lists the items as a drop-down list. That means, initially the control displays a text box & a button. […]

C# – How to use NumericUpDown control?

NumericUpDown control or up-down control or spin box is very useful control, allows to select the value from the range of values. It allows the users to increment or decrement the value within the given range by using Keyboard Up & Down arrow keys or by using the Mouse. Properties Minimum & Maximum properties are […]

C# – How to use TrackBar control?

TrackBar control is one of the useful user interface control, commonly used to select a value from the given range, by using it’s slider (or thumb) or by using keyboard keys. For example, if you want to set the brightness of the screen, using your program, you can use this control as an interface element […]

C# – How to use ColorDialog?

ColorDialog is one of the common dialogs in .Net Framework; used to display the available colors and also allows us to define custom colors. Through this article, we are going to discuss, how we use ColorDialog. Usually, we have Standard colors and User-defined colors. By modifying the individual color components of the Standard colors, we […]

C# – How to use PictureBox control?

PictureBox control is used to display the picture. Once we place the control on Windows Form, we need to set the right properties to load & display the image on the PictureBox control. We use this control when we need to deal with the images. It acts as a container for the loaded images, and […]

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