
Python, C, C++, C#, PowerShell, Android, Visual C++, Java ...

MFC – CObject class – An Introduction – Enable Run-time class information

CObject is the base class for almost all classes in Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library. A class is qualified as a MFC based class by deriving its from MFC’s base class CObject. Once the normal class is derived from CObject class; it inherits the following services offered by CObject class. Run-time class information Serialization support […]

C++ – Class Constructors

In C++, class constructors are special kind of methods to instantiate a class. When the class’s object is going to create, C++ will first call the class’s constructor to initialize the class. Initializing the class means, assigning its members and allocating any dynamic memory, etc., After the class’s constructor is called, the class’s object creation […]

PHP – Mixing Smarty tags with PHP code

PHP is used to develop sever side scripts and it is embedded with in HTML code. Smarty Template Engine is used to create HTML templates that are used in PHP scripts. PHP validates the code based on its validation rules. We should follow these rules while developing PHP scripts. The same way, Smarty Template Engine […]

MFC – Convert C++ Class to MFC based class

Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) are used to develop Windows based applications. MFC supports Document-View architecture; where data management separates from presentation layer. MFC wraps portions of Windows API C++ classes and enables to use them easily. In this article, we will discuss how to enable MFC to a simple C++ class. Let’s take a simple […]

.Net – Assemblies – Add a method

As of now we have created hello assembly and testapp application. testapp application will call the function SayHello (it just prints “Hello, World!” on the console) resides in hello assembly. We have created strong name for hello assembly and installed it into Global Assembly Cache (GAC). hello assembly is the shared assembly and any application […]

.Net – Assemblies – gacutil

We have created the hello.exe assembly in our previous article and installed it into Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Let’s look at where in GAC this assembly is installed. As we discussed in our previous article(s), GAC is the location where shared assemblies will be placed. Where this GAC is located? For the .Net version prior […]

PHP – Building a web-page using Smarty Template Engine

Smarty is a template engine, written in PHP. Smarty Template Engine is used to separate business logic from presentation logic. Business logic is placed into .php files, whereas the presentation layer will be in .tplĀ (Template Programming Language) files. In this article, we will develop a simple web page using Smarty. Let’s take this simple web […]

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