TYPO3 is a CMS software useful to develop websites. The following article explains how to change the title for TYPO3 based website.
Step (1). Log-in to TYPO3 based website as an administrator. Which will open TYPO3 based back-end website.
Step (2). The backend website opened with 3 columns by default. The first two columns will display the hierarchical data to allow it to navigate easily between the TYPO3 sections. The third column will display the details about the selected items in the first two columns. See the below screenshot:

Step (3). Expand the WEB item from the first column and select the Template sub-item.
Step (4). In the second column select Home item. Now in the third column, it will display the Template information.
Step (5). Under the Template information section in the third column, you can find Title, Sitetitle, and Description fields.
Step (6). You have to edit these fields in order to change the website’s title. By clicking on the Edit field (pencil icon) you can edit these fields. You can edit individual fields by clicking on the Edit field icon which appears before each field or you can edit the whole record by clicking on Edit the whole template record.
Step (7). Once you made the changes click on the Save document icon, which is on top of the Template Tools section.
Once you are done with all your changes Refresh your TYPO3 to see your changes.
If your changes are not reflected, go to your TYPO3 based back-end website and click on the Clear cache icon, which is on top of the page. It will clear the cache and once you Refresh your changes, you will find your changes. See the below screenshot:
