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Microsoft Excel – Logical Functions – TRUE, FALSE and NOT formulas

Set of Logical Functions Microsoft Excel provides to return the logical value, either TRUE or FALSE are going to be discussed through this Article.

The logical function TRUE

The TRUE() function always returns the logical value TRUE. This function doesn’t have any arguments and when you call this function without parentheses, Excel will treat it as a logical value TRUE.

This function can be combined with other logical functions.


The logical function FALSE

FALSE() logical function always returns the logical value FALSE. Similar to TRUE() function, this function also doesn’t take any arguments. If you do not enter the parentheses when using this function, Excel treats it as a logical value FALSE.

We can also use FALSE() function with other logical functions.


The logical function NOT

This is the negation function which negates the logical value of its argument; that means, it reverses the logical value of its argument. If the logical value if FALSE, it negates to TRUE and vice versa.

Because of this, NOT() function always returns the reverse of its logical value TRUE or FALSE.

The Syntax of this function is:

return_value NOT(logical_value)

It takes a single argument; a logical value or returned logical value from the expression or a cell reference etc,. And always returns the reverse logical value of its argument; if the argument value is TRUE it returns FALSE and vice versa.

The argument value must be a logical value. For example, if you pass text value as an argument value this function returns the #VALUE! Error.

Like TRUE() and FALSE() functions, we can also combine NOT() function with other logical functions. Primarily we use this with IF() function

=NOT(1 > 100)TRUE

This is the high-level overview of these logical functions.

We will discuss more Excel topics in my upcoming Articles.

🙂 Sahida

Microsoft Excel – Logical Functions – TRUE, FALSE and NOT formulas

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