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Spring Boot – Work with data – MongoDB

Data plays a crucial role in today’s world; from accessing, persisting, and analyzing it, to effectively using the information for better results.

In our previous article, we have created our first Spring Boot application. Through this article, we will look at how Spring Data MongoDB makes, work simple when it comes to Data Modeling. It makes it easy to use non-relational databases with web applications.

Spring Data MongoDB

Spring Data JPA (Java Persistence API) is a good choice for relational databases; on the other hand, Spring data MongoDB is making data modeling easy for non-relational databases. MongoDB is a document-based no-SQL database. Let’s see how to make an application to store and retrieve data using Spring Data MongoDB. 

Adding MongoDB Dependency

To use MongoDB, one has to add below dependency in the pom.xml file and update the maven configuration.


If you are using an Eclipse IDE, you can update the same by running the below command from the command prompt.

mvn eclipse:eclipse

Create an Entity

MongoDB is a collection-based document. Hence, to store data we need to create an entity similar to our table. Every mongo data model should have an id with @Id annotation. This will be the primary key of our collection in a document. 

A data model can be created as follows,




public class UserData { 
	public String id; 

	@Indexed(unique = true) 
	public String userId; 
	public String userName; 
	public String userAge; 

MongoRepository interface

Spring Data MongoDB inherits the querying functionality from the spring data common object. So, we need not worry about MongoDB query language. We have a handful of methods that will query us. 

MongoRepository is an interface that comes with standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operation.

We can create UserRepository extending MongoRepository with @Repository annotation as follows;

// UserDataRepository.Java


import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;


public interface UserDataRepository extends MongoRepository<UserData, String> {


Note : (If you want to override default MongoRepository operations, you can create a concrete implementation of the above interface)

Establish MongoDB Connection

By default, Spring Boot tries to establish a connection with local instance of MongoDB. So, if you are having MongoDB in local, then no need to worry about making it configurable with spring boot project. Instead, spring boot will work for us. For the advance configuration we have to use as follows;

  • name 
  • #User.
  • set, host and port are ignored.

Creating RESTful API

To make our project a RESTful service; create UserDataController with @RestController annotation. Here, we are going to auto-wire UserDataRepository to read, write and delete data in the Databases from the client-side.

The controller can be created as follows;



import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;


public class UserDataController {
	private UserDataRepository repository;

	public String add(@RequestBody UserData user){
		try {;
			return "SUCCESS";
		}catch(Exception e) {

		return "ERROR";

The repository has a handful of methods to make CRUD operations such as create, read, update, and delete queries.

Spring Main Application class

As seen in the last chapter, spring boot starts from spring main application class.SpringBootApplication annotation has component scan and auto-configuration by default. Since it has MongoDB driver in the classpath (By adding spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb in the pom file), based on the spring auto-configuration feature, it will automatically open the connection with MongoDB.

The main class application can be created as follows,

package application;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Note: Our Mongo Repository should be parallel to application or sub-packages of application folder so that it will be scanned by spring container otherwise we have to mention like @EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "application.repo") above the MyApplication application to route bean creation.

Ready to Run the project

So that’s it. Run the application by giving the below command in a project directory,

mvn spring-boot:run

Now it will start the webserver and since MongoDB dependency is in the classpath, it will auto configure and make connections with local MongoDB, you can confirm this by viewing the same after running the above command as follows,

mongoDB - Auto Connection
MongoDB – Auto Connection

If everything is fine, you will see the above result; and observe that the webserver started successfully.

Create Request to RESt Service

Now it’s time to send a request to our RESt service. So, that we can insert, read and delete data from the database.

Insert the Data

A new data can be added using PostMapping method – “add”

public String add(@RequestBody UserData user) {
    try {;
        return "SUCCESS";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return "ERROR";

By making the request to our rest controller, we can insert the data in our database as follows,

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"userId":"john567","userName":"John" , "userAge":"21"}' http://localhost:8080/userdata/add

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"userId":"harry345","userName":"Harry" , "userAge":"27"}' http://localhost:8080/userdata/add

Run above curl in command prompt, as below;

mongoDB - Insert Data
MongoDB – Insert Data

By default, Spring Boot automatically will create the “test” as a MongoDB database name. If everything is okay, you can see the inserted data in MongoDB GUI, Compass as follows;

mongoDB - Insert data - Compass
MongoDB – Insert data – Compass

Note: Since we have used the save method in the MongoRepository, it will create an ID field itself and insert it into DB, if we don’t provide the same as an input.

Find All and Delete All data

PostMapping methods for CURD operations findAll and deleteAll are as follows;

public Map < String, Object > findAll() {
    Map < String, Object > response = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
    try {
        List < UserData > allList = repository.findAll();
        response.put("result", allList);
        response.put("status", "SUCCESS");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        response.put("status", "ERROR");
    return response;
public String deleteAll() {
    try {
        return "SUCCESS";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return "ERROR";

By making the below request, we can getAll Data from the database is as follows;

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8080/userdata/getAll

The Output would be;

getAll data from mongoDB database
getAll data from MongoDB database

By making the below request, we can delete all data from the database as follows,

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8080/userdata/deleteAll

The result would be;

deleteAll data from mongoDB database
deleteAll data from MongoDB database

To confirm the result with DB itself, we can refresh our compass GUI, to verify whether all the data from the database was removed.

So that’s it. We have worked with data and did some CRUD operations like insert, read, and delete functions.

Finally, you can stop the server by; pressing Ctrl + C keys from the keyboard from the server command prompt; or by typing the below command;

mvn spring-boot:stop

To summarize what we have discussed;

  • Performed some CRUD operations on data using the spring boot application.
  • MongoRepository makes our work easier even without learning MongoDB query language.
  • Spring boot auto-configuration plays a vital role when it comes to creating connections for MongoDB.

I am closing the article here. Do not forget to give your feedback in the below comments section. Also, if you have any queries on the above code, post them in the below comments section.

Spring Boot – Work with data – MongoDB

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