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Author : Sahida

Windows 7 – How to check what Graphics card installed in the System?

Graphics cards are used to display the output and also can perform additional processing for better performance to release the overload from the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Actually, the GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) on Graphics card will perform the additional processing. Through this article, we are going to discuss finding the ways to figure out, […]

Microsoft Excel – TIME functions

TIME function in Excel and its related functions are important functions to deal with date-time-related data. As these functions are commonly used with DATE functions, recommended reading an article on DATE functions. TIME function in Excel It returns the time value by taking individual time components (hour, minutes & seconds) as its arguments. Using this […]

Photoshop – How to rotate an image?

Adobe Photoshop allows us to rotate an image in different angle. Through this Article, we are going to discuss the image rotation. Step 1. Open the image in Adobe Photoshop CS6 Application. Step 2. Click on Image menu. Then, select Image Rotation menu item. Photoshop will display the sub-menu; allows us to rotate the image. […]

Microsoft Word 2013 – How to change Capitalization?

Microsoft Word provides a feature that allows us to change the Capitalization of selected Text. It allows you to change the selected text case to lowercase, or uppercase, capitalize each word, etc. Through this article, we are going to discuss how to change Capitalization in Word. Step 1. Open the Word document using Microsoft Word […]

Microsoft Excel – DATE functions

DATE function and related functions are important functions to deal with date-related data in Excel. DATE function This function returns the date by taking individual date components (year, month & day) as its arguments. Using DATE function we can form the date-time code using the individual date components. Syntax: DATE(year, month, day) DATE function is […]

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