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C++ Programming

C++ – How to define virtual functions?

C++ is a Object Oriented language. C++ uses virtual keyword in different places. One of the use of virtual keyword is to create virtual functions. An important feature in Object Oriented programming is Polymorphism; which means multiple-behaviors. An object has multiple behaviors and it shows particular behavior depending on its context. C++ achieves this with […]

COM – Creating a COM Component using C++ – DLL component

In this series of articles on creating a COM Component using C++, in the previous article, we implemented a component using C++. The component implemented the IUnknown standard interface and IHello custom interface. Custom interfaces are the interfaces defined by us. Standard interfaces are the interfaces that are defined by the COM component library. We need to […]

COM – Creating a COM Component using C++ – IUnknown interface

COM – An introduction COM (Component Object Model) is a platform-independent, distributed, and object-oriented technology developed by Microsoft to create re-usable software components and enables software components to communicate. COM enables interaction between objects through interfaces. Interfaces are core concepts to build COM components. An interface contains function prototypes only not the function implementations. COM […]

C++ – Pure Virtual functions

C++ Pure Virtual functions are used to create an abstract classes or interfaces. Pure Virtual functions have no function definition; just the function will be declared and the definition left to the derived classes. In C++, like Java, there is no interface keyword to create an interface. To create an interface in C++, the option […]

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