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C Sharp (C#)

C Sharp

C# – Modifiers – The virtual Modifier – Why virtual?

Through the series of Articles, we are discussing about Modifiers in C#. In this Article, we will discuss about virtual modifier. virtual modifier is used during the inheritance; deriving classes from it’s base classes. Why virtual is required? Consider two functions, with same name and different signature; for example, Display(String msg) and Display(int value). Assume, these two functions […]

C# – Modifiers – static Modifier

Another interesting modifier C# provides is static modifier. We can use this on classes & it’s members. The static Modifier A static member can be declared using static modifier. static is the keyword we use to define the static members. static members belongs to the type itself; not to associate with specific objects. When we […]

C# – Modifiers – abstract Modifier

C# provides modifiers to modify the declarations of types and type members. We have discussed Access Modifiers in our previous Articles. In this Article, we will discuss one of the modifier which is abstract Modifier. abstract Modifier We use this modifier to indicate the type has incomplete implementation. This can be used with below types: Classes […]

C# – Access Modifiers – internal and protected internal access modifiers

C# provides different access modifiers to allow to define the scope for the classes and it’s members. We already discussed few of the modifiers in our previous Articles. In this Article, we will go through internal and protected internal access modifiers. internal Access Modifier internal access modifier in C# restricts the access of classes and it’s […]

C# – Graphics – Double buffering

In our previous article, “C# – Graphics – Display an Image“, we have developed a C# program to display an image on the Windows Form. Have you observed, flickering when you move the window? OR when you click on the Draw button again and again? This is the common problem when we use a single […]

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