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PowerShell – Get-Member cmdlet – Gets the properties and methods of objects

PowerShell is developed using .Net framework. The commands using in PowerShell are internally access .Net framework classes, it’s methods and properties etc, to show the related results. The results shown for each PowerShell cmdlet is the collection of objects. Each of the object has it’s members; the members are methods, properties etc,. We can use […]

PowerShell – Select-Object cmdlet

PowerShell provides Select-Object cmdlet to select the objects or object properties from the collection. Through this article we are going to disucss the usage of this cmdlet. Select-Object cmdlet This cmdlet is used to select the objects or object properties. This needs a collection; hence we always use this with another cmdlet. The output of another cmdlet […]

PowerShell – Manage Scheduled Tasks

We have created a scheduled Task in our previous Article “PowerShell – Create Scheduled Task“. PowerShell provides a set of other cmdlets, to manage the Scheduled Tasks. Note that, to work with these cmdlets, the ScheduledTasks module must be available on your System. Start a Scheduled Task PowerShell provides Start-ScheduledTask cmdlet to start a registered […]

PowerShell – Create Scheduled Task

Scheduled task is one of the useful feature in Windows Operating System enable to schedule to launch a program or to run some scripts at specified time, date or even when particular event occurred. PowerShell provides commands to create scheduled tasks. In this Article, I am going to explain, what are the commands in PowerShell […]

PowerShell – Managing Services

Service is a program that runs in the background; and we can start, stop or pause/resume the service depending on the need or requirement. PowerShell provides commands, to manage the services.  I am going to explain, how to manage the services through this Article “PowerShell – Managing Services”. Display List of Services: Get-Service cmdlet PowerShell […]

PowerShell – Managing Files and Folders

PowerShell – Managing Files and Folders, can be done through PowerShell commands or scripts; with ease. In my previous article, “PowerShell : Display files and folders list“, I have explained how to display files and folders list. In this article, I am going to explain; few more PowerShell commands; which are useful to manage the […]

AWS – PowerShell – Setting up AWS Tools

AWS Tools for PowerShell is very useful to manage the AWS resources through PowerShell scripts. In order to use AWS Tools, from the PowerShell command prompt or through PowerShell scripts, you must install the AWS Tools for PowerShell. In this article, I am going to explain, how to set up the AWS Tools for PowerShell […]

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