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How to add favicon into Drupal based website?

Favorite icon (favicon) or shortcut icon is an icon file containing most commonly 16×16 small icons associated with a website. Usually, it is a .ico file. Web browsers display a favicon in the browser’s address bar or on the tab. Drupal allows setting favicon through theme settings. This article explains the steps to set a […]

How to resolve “At least one signature has problems.” error in Adobe Reader?

Adobe Reader software is used to open PDF documents. The PDF documents may be encrypted for security. And also PDF documents may be digitally signed for authentication. When there is any digital signature required to authenticate the PDF documents are not available on your system or the signature has problems, Adobe Reader fails to authenticate […]

How to resolve “Fatal error: Class ‘PDO’ not found in /home/public_html/…/includes/database/ on line 184” error in Drupal?

PDO (PHP Data Objects) is a thin data access layer and provides consistent way to access databases. Drupal uses PDO to interact with its databases. If the PDO is not enabled or PDO related libraries are not included you will get “Fatal error: Class ‘PDO’ not found in /home/public_html/…/includes/database/ on line 184” error in Drupal. Below are […]

How to install Pligg modules?

Pligg is one of the famous open source content management systems used to create community websites. Pligg functionality can be extended by creating custom modules. Once you created the custom module you need to install it in Pligg. So Pligg can run the functionality provided in the custom module. Below are the steps to install […]

How to get PayPal API Credentials?

PayPal provides API access to Business or Premier accounts to integrate their PayPal account(s) with their online shop or shopping cart(s). PayPal API Credentials consist of three elements: API Username, API Password, and API Signature. This article explains the steps to get PayPal API Credentials. Step (1). Log in to your PayPal Business account (or) […]

How to allow or deny website access to particular IP address using .htaccess file?

The .htaccess file or hypertext access file is directory level configuration file supported by several web servers to provide access control. A .htaccess file is often used to specify for authorization, authentication, rewriting URLs, blocking, customized error responses etc.,. As mentioned above we can use .htaccess file to allow or deny access the resources. This […]

How to create mail forwarders in cPanel?

Mail forwarders are useful to forward the mails from one e-mail address to another e-mail address. For eg: if you change your e-mail address and don’t want to lose your e-mails that come into your old e-mail address, you can use forwarders. This article explains how to create a mail forwarder in cPanel. cPanel is […]

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