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Skype – How to change Skype password?

Skype allows changing the password, once you logged into your Skype account. Through this article, we are going to discuss this, with step-by-step instructions.

Step (1). Open Skype application. Assuming you have installed Skype on your System. You can double-click on the Desktop icon to open the Skype application.

Step (2). Sign-in into Skype, by entering user credentials.

Step (3). Click on the Skype menu. Skype will display a pull-down menu; where it has the options to change the password, sign out, change the online status, etc.

Skype - "Change Password" menu
Skype – “Change Password” menu

Step (4). Select Change Password… menu item from the pull-down menu. It will display a “Change Password” dialog to allow you to change the password.

Skype - "Change Password" dialog
Skype – “Change Password” dialog

Step (5). Provide a current password in entering current password field. Without this, we are not allowed to change the password. This is useful to restrict unauthorized password changes.

Step (6). Provide a new password in Enter new password and Re-enter new password fields. Make sure you enter the same password in both these fields. Otherwise, it will not allow you to change the password.

If the entered passwords are matched in these two fields, Skype will display a “Passwords match” message, below the Re-enter new password text field. This ensures that we entered the password, correctly.

Step (7). Once you made the changes, click on Apply button to apply the changes.

If the password is changed successfully, Skype will display the Success message.

Skype – How to change Skype password?

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