Microsoft Visio application is useful to generate diagrams like flow charts, network diagrams, organizational charts, flow diagrams, etc. Microsoft Visio diagrams are stored into .vsd or .vdx file formats.
Below are the steps to create a basic flow chart diagram using Visio.
This article applies to:
- Microsoft Visio 2010
Step (1). Open Microsoft Visio application.
Step (2). Click on the File menu, and then click on the New tab. Visio will display Template Categories to allow you to choose the template to create a Visio diagram.

Step (3). Select Flowchart category under Template Categories. Visio will display different types of flowchart templates.
Step (4). Select Basic Flowchart. From the right side of the window, select either Metric Units or US Units as the measurement units; then click on Create button.

Step (5). Visio will create a canvas (right side) where it allows to place the flowchart shapes. Flowchart shapes will be displayed on the Shapes pane (left side).
Step (6). Now select the shapes from the Shapes pane and drag and drop them on the canvas. Arrange all the shapes which are useful to form your basic flow chart.

Step (7). Now you need to connect the shapes. Click on the Connector button from the Tools section under the Home tab in Ribbon control. The Connector tool is used to connect the shapes.

Step (8). Place the Connector tool on one shape and drag it and connect to the other shape. Now the two shapes are connected. Like this, connect the other shapes in the flow chart.

Step (9). Your basic flow chart is ready. Save the flowchart by clicking Ctrl + S keyboard keys or by selecting File menu then Save.