The cPanel control panel supports file backups from the Backups page. From the Backups page, we can take full backups or partial file backups.
This article explains the steps to generate full backups.
Step (1). Log in to your cPanel control panel account.
Step (2). Click on the Backups icon; which is usually under the Files group. It will open the Backups page.

Step (3). cPanel‘s Backups page allows to:

- Take the full backup which includes all files in the home directory, MySQL databases, and email forwarders and filters.
- Allows to backup partial data. In partial backups, you can backup either the home directory, or backup selected database, or backup selected forwarders and filters.
Step (4). To take the full backup, click on the “Download or Generate a Full Website Backup” button. the cPanel control panel will open the Full Backup page.

- Available backups are displayed under Backups Available for Download: Backups are displayed with the backup file name and the time stamp when the backup is generated. Click on the backup file name to download the available backup.
- To generate a full backup:
- Select the location where you want to store the generated full backup, from Backup Destination: combo box.
- If you want to receive an email notification of backup completion, provide the email address in the Email Address: field.
- If you don’t want to receive an email notification, select Do not send email notification of backup completion field.
- Once you provide the required fields, click on Generate Backup button.
Step (5). cPanel will start full backup and display the Full Backup in Progress… page.
Step (6). From the Full Backup in Progress… page, click on the Go Back link to go back to the Backups page.
Step (7). The Backups page, will display the generated full backup name along with whether the full backup is in progress or not. If the full backup is completed, it will display the time stamp when we generated the backup.

Step (8). Click on the full backup name, to download the generated full backup.
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