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C Sharp (C#)

C Sharp

C#: Classes – Access Specifiers & Inheritance

‘C#’ class members are accessible based on their access specifiers. I will write a separate article on class’s access specifiers in more detail. But here I want to give an high level introduction on access specifiers. Access Specifiers ‘C#’ provides public, private, internal, protected and protected internal access specifiers. Remember that the class members are […]

C# – How to fix “error CS5001: Program ‘xyz.exe’ does not contain a static ‘Main’ method suitable for an entry point”?

If you want to create an executable file from your ‘C#’ project or file, your code should contain a ‘static Main’ method. This is an entry point to ‘C#’ program. Otherwise, ‘C#’ compiler will throw the below error: error CS5001: Program ‘xyz.exe’ does not contain a static ‘Main’ method suitable for an entry point To […]

C# – How to use COM components?

.Net supports to use of COM (Component Object Model) functionality within its managed code through its COM Interoperability feature. In this article, we are going to discuss the steps to use COM components within the ‘C#’ code. Step 1. The first step is to add the COM component as a reference to the C# project. […]

C# – Classes – Outer, Inner and Wrapper Classes

In this article we will look into few more things about the classes. Outer Classes, Inner Classes and Wrapper Classes ‘C#’ classes allows to define classes (inner classes) within the classes. Inner classes are only accessible through its outer classes or wrapper classes. To create an instance of an Inner class, we have to create […]

C# – Classes – An Introduction

‘C#’ classes are code blocks that combine data and operations those work on the data. ‘C#’ classes enables Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts of encapsulation and abstraction. Encapsulation means combining data and the operations apply on the data together. Abstraction means hiding the details to outer world. ‘C#’ classes are created using the class keyword. Below […]

ASP.Net – Simple webpage

ASP.Net is a web framework for building websites. ASP.Net has been designed to be fully integrated with the .Net framework. ASP.Net works with Internet Information Services (IIS) to deliver the content. ASP.Net pages are with .aspx extension. ASP.Net files can contain server-side controls, client-side controls, and validation controls. Other than these, it supports placing HTML objects […]

.Net – Assemblies – Add a method

As of now we have created hello assembly and testapp application. testapp application will call the function SayHello (it just prints “Hello, World!” on the console) resides in hello assembly. We have created strong name for hello assembly and installed it into Global Assembly Cache (GAC). hello assembly is the shared assembly and any application […]

.Net – Assemblies – gacutil

We have created the hello.exe assembly in our previous article and installed it into Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Let’s look at where in GAC this assembly is installed. As we discussed in our previous article(s), GAC is the location where shared assemblies will be placed. Where this GAC is located? For the .Net version prior […]

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