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C Sharp (C#)

C Sharp

Delegates – Why and how we use them in C#?

Delegates in C# are the references to the methods, to call the methods indirectly. Delegates holds the address of the method(s); so, it will be easy to call methods through Delegates. But, why we use Delegates in C# and why can’t we always call methods directly? Good question. But, the answer is simple. As mentioned […]

C# – Value Types and Reference Types

C# types majorly of two kinds, which are; Value Types and Reference Types. Value Types When you define a variable of this type; the variable holds the data directly. And each variable occupies it’s own memory to hold it’s value. That means, each variable has it’s own copy of the data; and if you change […]

C# – What are the Arithmetic Operators?

An operator takes one or more operands to perform particular operation. C# provides below Arithmetic Operators to deal with different types of operations on numerical values. Addition operator (+) Addition operator is to add the values of two or more operands; the operands may be constants, named variables or an expression. Below is an example;  […]

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