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Arithmetic Operators

PowerShell – Bitwise Logical Operators

PowerShell provides below list of Bitwise operators and these ONLY works on Integer types. Why only Integer types? Because, these operators works on bits (0s and 1s) and only numeric types can support bitwise operations. Bitwise AND -band operator This operator takes two operands as inputs and apply the bitwise AND operation on each bit […]

PowerShell – Arithemetic Operators

PowerShell provides different types of operators and through this article, we are going to discuss about Arithmetic Operators. Arithmetic Operators are used to compute numerical values. Before stating this article, would like to emphasis on one thing; that is, PowerShell is built on .Net Core; internally it uses .Net Core classes. We need to understand […]

Microsoft Excel – Arithmetic Operators

Microsoft Excel provides different types of Operators to evaluate Arithmetic Expressions. Arithmetic Operators in Excel deal with ONLY Numerical data. In this article, I am going to explain what are Arithmetic Operators and their usage in Microsoft Excel. Arithmetic Operators in Excel These are the Arithmetic Operators, to work on Numerical data. If you attempt […]

C# – What are the Arithmetic Operators?

An operator takes one or more operands to perform particular operation. C# provides below Arithmetic Operators to deal with different types of operations on numerical values. Addition operator (+) Addition operator is to add the values of two or more operands; the operands may be constants, named variables or an expression. Below is an example;  […]

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