
Python, C, C++, C#, PowerShell, Android, Visual C++, Java ...

Python – Numeric Types – int Class

Numeric Types in Python are used to deal with numeric values. Python provides different classes to deal with numeric data; int, float, complex fractions and decimal are those classes. In this Article,  I will explain int class which is used to deal with integers. Let’s look at this class and usage of it in Python. int Class […]

C# – Modifiers – abstract Modifier

C# provides modifiers to modify the declarations of types and type members. We have discussed Access Modifiers in our previous Articles. In this Article, we will discuss one of the modifier which is abstract Modifier. abstract Modifier We use this modifier to indicate the type has incomplete implementation. This can be used with below types: Classes […]

Microsoft Excel – Text Functions – ASC, CHAR, UNICHAR and UNICODE formulas

Microsoft Excel Text Functions are useful to deal with textual data. In this article, we will discuss a few of the Text functions. ASC function This function returns the ASCII text (single-byte characters) from the given text. The given text may contain double-byte characters; then the double-byte characters will convert to single-byte characters. If the […]

Python – Truth Value Testing

Truth value testing verify whether the value is True or False. In Python, any object can be tested for Truth Value. What really the Truth Value is? True is the Truth value. But non boolean values doesn’t have true or false values. For example, numbers do not have true or false value. They are simply […]

C# – Access Modifiers – internal and protected internal access modifiers

C# provides different access modifiers to allow to define the scope for the classes and it’s members. We already discussed few of the modifiers in our previous Articles. In this Article, we will go through internal and protected internal access modifiers. internal Access Modifier internal access modifier in C# restricts the access of classes and it’s […]

Skype for Business – How to fix “Outlook Integration Error” ?

Skype for Business is an instant messenger provides very useful features like online meetings (including video conferences too), manage employee contacts, enterprise level security, share the screen or programs online and also allows to integrate Microsoft Office applications, especially Microsoft Outlook. Sometimes, we see “Outlook Integration Error” notification when we sign in into Skype for Business application. This seems […]

Windows – Hooks – An Overview

Windows Applications are message or event driven applications. Windows Procedures or Application methods are going to execute whenever there is an event occurred. There is a message handling mechanism in the Windows to handle or process the messages. For example, when the User press the key from the Keyboard; relevant message will be generated and […]

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