
Python, C, C++, C#, PowerShell, Android, Visual C++, Java ...

C# – How to use Button control?

One of the most used control in Windows Forms is the Button control. We use Button controls, to take ‘click’ input from the User. The best example where we use Button controls is, prompt the user for an operation to perform by providing Yes or No buttons. Depending on the user input, a particular operation […]

Node.js – Errors – How do we handle errors (Error handling)?

Errors occur when something went wrong, during the Program execution. There are different types of errors and these should be handled properly in the program to avoid abnormal program termination. Node.js provides different ways to handle the errors generated while running the Applications in the Node.js run-time environment. We can handle the errors using try..catch […]

Apache – How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS?

Once you have installed SSL Certificate on your website, you need to redirect HTTP version of your website to point to the HTTPS version. This way, you are enabling the complete secured access to your website. No body, will be able to access your non-secured site, which is through HTTP. Through this article, we are […]

C# – Asynchronous programming – async and await

Modern applications often require handling multiple operations simultaneously to ensure smooth user experiences. Whether you are making API calls, performing file I/O, or executing database queries, synchronous execution can lead to performance bottlenecks and unresponsive applications. Usually, when we run the C# code, each statement executes synchronously; that means, one after another statement, executes sequentially. […]

Windows 7 – How to check what Graphics card installed in the System?

Graphics cards are used to display the output and also can perform additional processing for better performance to release the overload from the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Actually, the GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) on Graphics card will perform the additional processing. Through this article, we are going to discuss finding the ways to figure out, […]

C# – How to use ListBox control?

ListBox control is used to display the list of items and allows to sort the items. One interesting thing is, it displays the items in multiple columns also. For example, Windows Explorer displays the list of files (say Tiles view); in multiple columns. Depending on your requirement you can select whether to display the items […]

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