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AngularJS – Directives

Directives are used to direct something. It is so simple, right? 🙂 Yes, it is simple also when we use them in AngularJS. But we need to follow some guidelines, creating and using them in AngularJS. What is that something directive direct? That is the behavior of the elements. We use AngularJS with HTML. HTML […]

AngularJS – Expressions

In our previous Article “AngularJS – Introduction“, we quickly looked into AngularJS. Now on, through the series of Articles, I would like to explain more about AngularJS and its components. Expressions in AngularJS are used to evaluate the given expressions and can be written in double curly braces or using the ng-bind directive. For example, […]

AngularJS – Introduction

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework used to develop JavaScript based web-applications. Using AngularJS we can quickly develop and manage Single Page or Large Scale web-applications. It allows dynamic views in web applications. It is fully extensible and also flexible to work with other libraries. Architecture it supports AngularJS supports MVW Architecture; which is Model-View-Whatever Architecture. […]

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