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C# – Modifiers – override and new modifiers

In our earlier Article, we have discussed about benefits and usage of virtual modifier in C#. We learnt that virtual keyword enables to override the members in the derived classes. In this Article, we will discuss about override and new modifiers. These modifiers are used during the inheritance in derived the class which will inherit […]

C# – Modifiers – static Modifier

Another interesting modifier C# provides is static modifier. We can use this on classes & it’s members. The static Modifier A static member can be declared using static modifier. static is the keyword we use to define the static members. static members belongs to the type itself; not to associate with specific objects. When we […]

C# – Modifiers – abstract Modifier

C# provides modifiers to modify the declarations of types and type members. We have discussed Access Modifiers in our previous Articles. In this Article, we will discuss one of the modifier which is abstract Modifier. abstract Modifier We use this modifier to indicate the type has incomplete implementation. This can be used with below types: Classes […]

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