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Microsoft Excel – Text Functions – CLEAN, CODE, VALUE and NUMBERVALUE formulas

In our previous article, we discussed a few Text Functions in Microsoft Excel. In this article, we will discuss a few more Text Functions.

CLEAN Function

This function is used to remove all the non-printable characters from the given text. In the ASCII character set, the codes from 0 to 32
are non-printable characters. This functions look for these characters in the given text and removes them to display readable text.

CODE Function

This function is used to return the numeric code of the given character.
If it is a text, it returns the numeric code of the first character.

VALUE Function

The VALUE function is useful to convert the given numeric text (that means the text should have only numbers) into a number.
If you give a text with non-numeric values, this function returns the #VALUE! Error.


This function also works like the VALUE Function but in a locale-independent way. When representing the number usually
the return value is based on the locale settings. Through this function, we can pass our own values through decimal_separator and group_separator arguments; which are optional. If you do not pass these values, it will take the values from the locale.

🙂 Sahida

Microsoft Excel – Text Functions – CLEAN, CODE, VALUE and NUMBERVALUE formulas

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