
Python, C, C++, C#, PowerShell, Android, Visual C++, Java ...

Android Studio : Create Android Project

Android Studio provides a lot of support to create Android Applications for various Android devices. In this article, I am going to explain the steps to create & build a new Project in Android Studio. Step 1. Select New Project… menu item from File -> New menu. OR Click on “Start a new Android Studio Project” […]

Outlook Add-In : Creating a Simple Add-In Using C#

I am really excited to write this Article, on Microsoft Office Object Model. To extend the functionalities of Microsoft Office Applications (like Excel, Word, etc.,) Microsoft has provided Office Object Model. Let me give a brief introduction to Microsoft Office Development. Microsoft has provided Object Models to allow to extend the functionalities of Microsoft Applications. These […]

AWS : Creating a Virtual Machine with EC2

Through this article, I am going to explain the steps required to create the Virtual Machine with EC2 from AWS (Amazon Webservice) Management Console. Assuming you have the account to use AWS Management Console. Step 1. Log in to “AWS Management Console”. Step 2. Under the Build Solution group, click on the “Launch a virtual […]

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