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Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel – Logical Functions – IF, IFERROR and IFNA formulas

Microsoft Excel provides logical formulas to enable to select the data depending on the given criteria. For example, select the data; if some condition(s) satisfies. In this Article, we will go through; IF, IFERROR and IFNA Logical Functions in Microsoft Excel. IF function The syntax of this function is: =IF(condition, [true-value], [false-value]) IF function takes […]

Microsoft Excel – Comparison Operators

Microsoft Excel provides Comparison Operators to compare the values of two operands. You can give the values directly or you can give the Cell references when you use these operators in Excel formulas. Comparison Operators Excel’s comparison operators are useful to compare the values in two operands. You can compare two values or the values […]

Microsoft Excel – Arithmetic Operators

Microsoft Excel provides different types of Operators to evaluate Arithmetic Expressions. Arithmetic Operators in Excel deal with ONLY Numerical data. In this article, I am going to explain what are Arithmetic Operators and their usage in Microsoft Excel. Arithmetic Operators in Excel These are the Arithmetic Operators, to work on Numerical data. If you attempt […]

Microsoft Excel – AVERAGEIFS, AVERAGEIF and AVERAGE functions

Microsoft Excel – AVERAGEIFS, AVERAGEIF, and AVERAGE functions are useful to calculate the Average value. Microsoft Excel provides a good number of Functions to enable us to deal with Spreadsheet data. In this article, I am going to explain, AVERAGE, AVERAGEIF, and AVERAGEIFS functions. Before we start looking into these functions; lets’ understand, why an […]

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